As time moves on, our gardens WILL change Have you ever remodeled a room in your home because its current appearance and function no longer fit your...

Taking a shallow dive into garden philosophy
Letting go of perfection and permanence I’ve never been one to seek out the difficult path. Like many, I am not opposed to taking on a challenge now...
Plants come and go but Rocks are forever
A few things to consider when using rocks in your garden. Rocky top, rock city, rock gardens, rock lobster, rock & roll. Guess what I’ll be...
Spontaneous Vegetation
An homage to the urban weed At a recent talk I gave on Earth Day, I had a middle school girl ask me “What is a weed?’ as I was going on one of my...
The Perfect Compost
Creating a soil machine While I’m not usually a gambling man, I will bet you sometimes save the best for last. When I thought earlier today about...
Feasting on Beauty
Add some spice to your life with edible flowers I have always been in awe of brave people. Soldiers, first responders, and teachers, especially. But...
6 Simple Steps to Turn Your Landscape into a Garden
Break away from the status quo to create your special oasis. I’m not a big fan of the term “landscaping” on a residential scale. To me, it brings...
And I’ll Raise You
6 Benefits of raised bed gardening Soon it will be time to quietly whisper the same words as everyone who has just landed in Las Vegas. “It’s time...
The Four Necessities for Backyard Habitat
Attracting wildlife to one’s lawn is one of the great joys of owning a backyard habitat. It's also a great and sustainable gardening practice. After...
Loosen up On the Lawn
I find it interesting that visitors to our garden get a bit of a nervous shake when they look around and imagine how much work / maintenance goes...

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