A Home for Your Gnome

Gardening Advice from a Fan of Fun!

Loosen up On the Lawn

Loosen up On the Lawn

I find it interesting that visitors to our garden get a bit of a nervous shake when they look around and imagine how much work / maintenance goes...

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Alternative Shrubs

Alternative Shrubs

The dilemma that faces us every planting season (and yes, Fall is a fantastic time to plant), when it comes to landscaping, is this. Do we venture...

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Tree Talk

Tree Talk

Trees are hard to beat with regard to improving one’s quality of life. If you’re lacking, choose a few that will make a difference. It‘s Saturday...

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Eat Your Yard

Eat Your Yard

We tend to think of just growing a few veggies on our properties but consider planting many other edibles. I remember the look on the face of a...

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Grow Up!

Grow Up!

As you may know by now, I am an avid gardener and collector of plants (and garden kitsch). But having a small property here in Knoxville, TN, we...

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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

I usually write these posts a bit in advance so who knows? It could be 75 or higher when you read this or we may have caught another early spring...

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