A Home for Your Gnome

Gardening Advice from a Fan of Fun!

We all have our favorites

We all have our favorites

Name the one garden tool that makes you smile If you’re a parent with more than one kid, may I ask which is your favorite? Do you have more than one...

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Many plants benefit from an occasional haircut When people find out what I do for a living, I get a lot of questions about all things plants. And I...

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Spontaneous Vegetation

Spontaneous Vegetation

An homage to the urban weed At a recent talk I gave on Earth Day, I had a middle school girl ask me “What is a weed?’ as I was going on one of my...

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The Perfect Compost

The Perfect Compost

Creating a soil machine While I’m not usually a gambling man, I will bet you sometimes save the best for last. When I thought earlier today about...

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The Centsory Garden

The Centsory Garden

Think beyond color when adding to your garden When I was teaching Sustainable Landscape Design at The University of Tennessee, there were some...

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Feasting on Beauty

Feasting on Beauty

Add some spice to your life with edible flowers I have always been in awe of brave people. Soldiers, first responders, and teachers, especially. But...

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